
The husband
  • 49'
  • Author : Nicolas Deliez
  • 05-03-2014
  • Master : 2314

The husband, the ex-wife and the mother: the Colette Deromme Case | Enquêtes criminelles | W9

On April 15 2011 18 year-old Séverine has finished classes and is waiting outside her high school for her mother. A hopeless wait… because Colette Deromme, 50 and the mother of four is never seen again. Highly anxious, Séverine alerts the police. The area around the missing woman’s home in Lorgues, Provence is searched. The family home is gone over with a fine toothcomb. To no avail. Did Colette leave of her own will, without identity, without money and without her phone? Unthinkable! Two days later a “missing person” investigation is opened. At the same time another case has the whole country holding its breath: the Dupont de Ligonnès case. Suspected of murdering his wife and four children in Nantes, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès is on the run. He is suspected of being in the area and might know Colette as he lived in Lorgues twenty years earlier. What if Colette and Xavier had left together? A month later there’s a twist: the decomposed body of Colette Deromme is discovered concealed under a pile of rocks some twenty kilometres from her home. But why was this 50 year-old woman killed? And, most importantly, by whom? A descent into the depths of an incredible crime where money, rivalry, bitterness and jealousy all come together…

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