
  • 60'
  • Authors : Agathe Soleranski, Valentine Bossi-Bay
  • 05-02-2023
  • Master : 3286

THE GOLD RUSH | TF1 | Reportages

Who has never dreamed of finding gold at the bottom of his drawers? This precious metal, from the bowels of the earth, in mines in the 4 corners of the world, is one of the oldest currencies of exchange of humanity. Indestructible, gold resists when all other values collapse. Today, 1 kg of gold is worth €55,000, almost twice as much as 4 years ago. One reason for this boom: the crisis. Because who says crisis, often says gold rush! Colossal public debts, wars in Ukraine, lockdowns in Asia, disappointing economic growth, and above all galloping inflation… This cocktail gave wings to the precious metal. So, the French rush to buying and selling agencies, with their jewelry, ingots or coins, hoping to make money easily.

But the gold that makes men dream, also deceives them. From extraction to sale in jewelry, risks and scams are frequent in this very secret market that arouses all covetousness. Buyers, sellers, collectors, or craftsmen, for several months, our teams went to meet French people, affected by this gold fever.


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