
Dancing is my life
  • 52'
  • Author : Corinne Langlois
  • 23-06-2006
  • Master : 1444

Dancing is my life | France 3 | La vie comme un roman

They are French and they clash with the best dancers of the world, in front of 5000 witnesses, in Bercy. They have one month to prepare. And to gain this evening, they all will give. To 24 years, Steve devotes all its life to the dance. It took part in its first competitions at the 8 years age, encouraged by his parents. With its partner, Laure, Steve dance four hours per day. For their next international competition, at Bercy, Steve and Laure laid down an objective: to be first French… But for that, they will have to beat the favourite. Le favori c’est Mathieu Laroche. Le jour Mathieu et son frère jumeau, Paul, sont chefs de projet dans une entreprise de bâtiment. Le soir, Mathieu et Paul ont toujours le même rendez-vous, la danse. Ils ont commencé à 5 ans. À Bercy, Mathieu n’a qu’un seul but : garder sa place de favori.The third French couple with Bercy, it is Fabio and its sister, Sylvia. They live with their parents, in Parisian suburbs. On their premises, the dance it is a passion for all the family. Priscilia A 14 years. She dances since she is 5 years old. With its partner, Steven, it also prepares Bercy, it will be even the youngest dancer of the adult competition. We followed them, since the first drives, one month before the competition, until in the slides of the great final, the D-day, in Paris Bercy. With the drive as in their daily newspaper, work or in family, the dance is everywhere – it is their life.

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