
  • 61'
  • Author : Delphine Cinier
  • 05-03-2017
  • Master : 2621

SIBERIE : THE LIFE IN THE HARD | M6 | Enquête Exclusive

6,000 kilometers from Paris, in Siberia, life is very harsh and the soil is often poor. In winter the temperature can drop as low as minus 630! Siberia has long had a reputation for its gulags… And fascinates us by its vastness, its giant factories and its merciless climate.A hostile terrain that represents 77% of the country’s surface but is home to only 27% of the population. In winter, living conditions are extreme, sometimes inhuman. The polar night can last three months.This documentary offers a unique journey to this icy land alongside the men and women who have to adapt each day in the struggle against the cold in order to survive.From Yakutsk, the coldest city in the world, to Norilsk, Siberia’s closed city, we traveled several thousand kilometers to meet these inhabitants of the extreme. For several months, we spent a fearsome winter at their side in the most mysterious and remote areas of Siberia.First, our camera stopped in Yakutsk. A true natural anomaly, meteorologists consider this city to be the pole of coldness. There, the winter is glacial. Inhabitants spend every day in extreme conditions. The cold is their enemy; every year it kills more than 200 people.Siberia conceals even more hostile territories. Difficult to find, they are known as forbidden cities. They do not even appear on Soviet maps. Simply designated by a postal code, they now number some forty in Siberia. The closed cities were long kept secret and their inhabitants with them. Machines for the production of natural gas and known for their mineral mining, these factory cities were incalculable economic boosters for Russia. At one time, these cities were gulags. There, for anyone who dreamed of another life, death was the only way out. We were granted special permission by the FSB to go there to meet the inhabitants of Norilsk. There’s no road, nor any train to get there. Only the plane can take you. Here the snow is black and the air smells of sulfur. We are in one of the largest mining cities in the north of Siberia, lying 340 kilometers north of the polar circle. Norilsk is famous for being the 6th most polluted city in the world. For the first time, a French camera was able to film its inhabitants.To escape the inhospitable region and men who are often violent under the influence of alcohol, more and more young people are fleeing these extreme territories to make a new life. Urged on by their parents, the leave home and enroll at the University of Novosibirsk. The capital of Siberia, this city offers a comfortable, modern lifestyle to its inhabitants. A city of success, it holds the promise of another life for the young of Siberia.From the capital to the most hostile of its territories, this documentary offers you a totally original look into Siberia, the land of all the extremes.

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