
  • 27'
  • Authors : Chloé Vienne, Elisa Jadot
  • 15-10-2022
  • Master : 2923

OKTOBERFEST | M6 | 66 minutes

It is one of the most famous popular ceremonies. Oktoberfest, the beer festival, takes place every year in Munich and attracts nearly 6 million visitors. A giant feast where tourists from all over the world, including some French, taste the best beers and discover typical Bavarian dishes.

Held in the heart of the capital of Bavaria, Oktoberfest features 115 traditional rides and attractions, some of which are more than a hundred years old, and 14 giant tents run by local restaurateurs. For two weeks, the beer will flow freely: more than 7 million liters in all and in the kitchens of the giant marquees, it is also excess. We will be immersed in one of its tents the day before the opening with training of waitresses who will have to carry at arm’s length the mugs of one liter, but also training of the security teams.

Under these tents, the atmosphere is good-natured. This is what Mathieu and Frédéric, two train drivers from Belfort, are looking for. “Every year, we deprive ourselves of a week’s holiday in the sun to come to Munich for eight days. This year will be our eighth edition.”Mathieu has planned everything even the Bavarian costume, passport to enter the tents traditions.

The Munich festival is also quite a business with expected economic benefits that exceed one billion euros. Karim, a Frenchman who has lived in Germany for twenty years, runs a large youth hostel. He expects more than two hundred people. “It’s a marathon.

But this is my key period. My best turnover of the year. »

 Beer and games, because the beer festival is also a huge funfair. It’s a ten-day whirlwind. Immerse yourself in the intoxication of the party.

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