
  • 26'
  • Author : Khaled Melhaa
  • 21-05-2002
  • Master : 1235

Kabylia, eternal spring | Reportage | Arte

For more than a year, Kabylia been in revolt against the Algerian state. In the cities and villages of the mountain, the 5 million kabyles are fighting to preserve their language and their culture. They want above all to be able to establish a democratic state in Algeria. In Akbou, the third largest city of Kabylia, the 50,000 inhabitants are in turmoil. It’s May l and the Algerian government has forbidden any demonstration anywhere in the region. But here, the decision has been taken to ignore the ban. Saïd Salhi is one of the organizers of the demonstration. Saïd is the elected delegate from his neighborhood. Today he is one of those in charge of the protest movement. We filmed him during this whole nerve-wracking day and also during the week which followed with other leaders of the Kabylia rebellion who live in hiding.

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