
  • 55'
  • Author : Alexandre Spalaïkovitch
  • 20-12-2015
  • Master : 2506

Haiti, a stronger life | France 5 | Les Routes de l'Impossible

Haiti is the poorest country in the Caribbean. Five years after the earthquake struck Port-au-Prince and the surrounding area, the consequences of the disaster can still be felt. To cross the country, dirt roads are the only means of conveying goods and people. It often takes more than ten hours to cover the 80 kilometers that separate Gonaives from Mole Saint Nicolas in the north east of the country. Only one bus provides the link despite constant punctures and the accidents that litter the route. Those who risk taking to the roads in Haiti often invoke Voodoo spirits to accompany them on their journey along the infernal roads running alongside beaches from Eden beside a crystal blue sea.

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