
Excessive debt: survive credit
  • 74'
  • Authors : Jean-Christophe de Revière, Romain Icard
  • 03-09-2008
  • Master : 1707

Excessive debt: survive credit | France 2 | Cellule de crise

In France, more than 700 000 families juggle with the payment of their debts and the management of the everyday life. From couples which do not manage to pay off their loans to those who borrow to survive, from the responsibly words of big credit institutions to the questionable methods of certain companies, the editorial staff of Cellule de crise (Emergency Committee) investigates in the violent world of the excessive debt.We also investigated in the heart of these credit companies which propose money on the only good faith of the consumers. They propose credit cards in supermarkets and department stores or still credits by telephone. Their recovery services work on the verge of the legality. Cellule de crise also met the rare associations which help the deeply in debt.Inquiry also in Belgium, where the Belgian government took the problem of the excessive debt bodily by setting up a file which centralizes all the credits of the consumers. Every credit institution is obliged to consult this file before granting a new loan. If the customer is already put into debt more than of reason, impossible to obtain a new credit. Thanks to this method, in four years, the rate of excessive debt in Belgium fell from 4,9 % to 4 % of the population.

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