
One crime can hide another: the Tellier Affair
  • 52'
  • Author : Tam Melacca
  • 29-05-2013
  • Master : 2222

One crime can hide another: the Tellier Affair | Enquêtes criminelles | W9

December 10 2009, Albi, is a time and place that François Garcia, known as ‘Paco’ is unlikely to forget. In his early fifties, that night he is a man as impatient as a teenager in love. He is driving to the house of Marie Dolène, an attractive young woman he met on the Internet. They are to spend their first night together. Except, along the way, ‘Paco’ breaks down. As he is changing his wheel, a stranger approaches and stabs him three times before taking flight. Although seriously wounded, ‘Paco’ miraculously pulls through. Why did this stranger try to kill him? Was it the act of somebody unbalanced? A settling of accounts? Or an act of revenge? The investigation led to the identity of the attacker. He was a certain Fabien Tellier, a truck driver of 49, a man with no record, who didn’t present the profile of a killer. And yet, the police soon discover that in less than 24 hours Fabien Tellier has already committed a murder. How did such a man tip over the edge into murderous rage and why? One woman knows the answer.

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