
  • 51'
  • Author : Renaud Fessaguet
  • 10-05-2011
  • Master : 1975

JAPAN IN THE HEART OF CHAOS | France 5 | Le Monde en face

The earthquake and the tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 2011 had thousands of victims and left swathes of the population with nothing. This film sets out to meet those men and women who are today faced with nuclear threat. For the Western observer discovering these devastated zones, the most striking thing is the calm of the Japanese. In the gymnasiums where the refugees are huddled, life has been organised.  Volunteers have come from all over the country to lend a hand. The director accompanied the fire fighters, who relentlessly search the wreckage, and has collected eyewitness accounts of those who escaped the disaster. In order to understand also what happened around the two power stations, the reporters met with representatives of Tepco and Areva and a sub-contractor, today without employment.

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