
From night clubs to brothels: the sex factories
  • 79'
  • Author : Christel Bertrand
  • 19-01-2012
  • Master : 2008

From night clubs to brothels: the sex factories | M6 | Les nouveaux visages de la prostitution

Outlawed in France, brothels are nevertheless legal among some of our European neighbours. In Belgium we met Belinda, who displays herself scantily-clad in a window to seduce her clients. She is totally open about it and introduces us to her fiancé. Mireille opened the doors of her establishment situated by the side of a major highway. She runs it like a small family business. In Spain it’s the exact opposite. There, the lupanars, or brothels, are huge sheds converted to nightclub-hotels where the prostitutes – as many as 200 in one club, all foreigners – proposition the male clientele, which is 90% French. In France they dodge the issue. “Hostess” bars and massage parlors are really fronts for a new type of brothel.

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