
  • 32'
  • Author : Laure-Anne Berrou
  • 26-02-2011
  • Master : 1945

ENDLESS APPETITE, 8 YEARS ON | France 2 | la suite

Guillaume has always been obese. When we met him he was 4 years old. Today he is 12 and weighs 92 kilos. He has regular appointments with doctors. While we follow his progress for this new report, his family learn that Guillaume’s chances of obesity are increased by genetic factors. At 13 Mickaël has reduced his weight gain. Today at 73 kilos for his 1m55, Mickaël eats what he wants but his weight remains his obsession. He steps onto the scales every day. When we first met him, Mickaël weighed 25 kilos… at age 4. The vigilance of his mother and regular physical exercise have allowed him to limit weight gain. For the last 10 years the number of obese children in France has been falling, except in the most modest of families. 3 overweight children out of 4 will remain so as adults. One of the doctors we met 8 years ago admitted his failure and powerlessness in treating these overweight children.  For the last 2 years, and despite the polemic raging within the medical profession, he advocates the fitting of gastric rings from the age of 12 for the worst cases.  We met a young boy of 14 who has lost nearly 20 kilos since his operation and who talks to us.

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