
  • 52'
  • Authors : David Geoffrion, Paul Comiti
  • 25-12-2016
  • Master : 2612

COLOMBIA-VENEZUELA : SMUGGLING ON THE BORDER | France 5 | Les Routes de l'Impossible

It’s a lawless area some 2,200 kilometers long in the middle of the jungle in the shadow of the Andes Cordillera. A border between Colombia and Venezuela that has been forever uncontrollable. It’s a paradise for the cartels, except that here they don’t smuggle cocaine, but gas.Venezuela is the country of the black gold with a quarter of the world’s oil reserves. Following the fall in the price of oil, the economy has collapsed and Venezuelans are short of everything. Many have turned to smuggling gas. They buy the fuel in Venezuela to sell thirty times higher in Colombia. Every day they cross the border on foot with 50-liter cans on their backs. It’s smuggling with a high risk, because on the other side of the border, the Venezuelan military don’t hesitate to shoot. This is the first time that cameras have managed to film this new type of smuggler and the cameras are not welcome…

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