
  • 49'
  • Authors : Daniel Lainé, Mathieu Orcel
  • 01-01-2017
  • Master : 2611

ARGENTINA : MAKE IT AND BREAK IT | France 5 | Les Routes de l'Impossible

From the edges of the Andes Cordillera to the pampas south of Buenos Aires, Make it and… break it!”, the new Impossible Roads, takes us along the trails of an Argentina of the extreme. Whether they are high-altitude truckers, brushing shoulders with the peaks and daring the precipices, country doctors forces to walk for hours at over 5,000 meters to visit their patients, or death-defying gauchos vying with each other in the corrals of a rodeo, they all demonstrate a quiet courage and highly resistant resourcefulness. We won’t forget Pablo in a long time. He’s a cattle breeder, who crosses the lagoons that form in the rainy season aboard his Mad Max style truck, half-bus and half-tractor, to deliver the milk from his farm.”

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